Thursday, September 3, 2009

Little gifts for my teachers at LNT

For Teacher's Day, Mummy guided me to make simple cards for my teachers at LNT.... complete with a little gift for them...
I chose which ones I wanted to give to Teacher Peiqin, Cikgu Mariam, and 艾薇老师.... ;p
Hope they like the card & gift!

Tue, 25 Aug 09
I did up the card for Teacher Peiqin and my English homework...

Wed, 26 Aug 09
Did the card for 艾薇老师 and my Chinese homework...

Thur, 27 Aug 09
Finally did up the one for Cikgu Mariam and my Malay homework.... (do you know why is it the last? Cos Mummy kept forgetting to ask Daddy how to say Happy Teacher's Day in Malay...heh)

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