Fri, 26 Mar 10We were late today, so I missed the national anthem, pledge and prayer singing....
When we reached, everyone was seated and listening to a bible story....
I started to cry when Mummy left, while Ms Chin, held me to settle down.....
Updates from Ms Chin:
- I kept asking where's Mummy? Why Mummy took so long to come?
- Like yesterday, I missed playground time and lunch as well... I also asked the canteen Auntie where's Mummy? (Ms Chin told Mummy, as the canteen Auntie happened to be talking on the phone, she pretended she was talking to Mummy...)
- I told Ms Chin I like the bell (cos when it rang, means lesson is over, and I can get to see Mummy already)
- I kept asking why the bell never ring yet?
- I missed my Chinese lesson again
Ms Chin was amazed at my energy level, I can go on and on asking the same questions over and over again...
My Chinese teacher also told Mummy, when I asked her where's Mummy? She said:"I'm Mummy... " but I replied her:"No, you are not Mummy... where's Mummy?" (All these spoken in Chinese)
Ms Chin told Mummy I can express myself well, can communicate what I want, am bilingual as I can speak both English and Chinese.... so not to worry... I just need to accept the fact that Mummy can't be around for the 3 hours I'm in school and I should be doing fine...
The question is: How long will it take for me to realise that and get over my separation anxiety??