Sunday, April 11, 2010

My 2nd & 3rd week in school

2nd week in school
29 Mar - 1 Apr
I cried each day when Mummy dropped me off.... but according to Ms Chin, after awhile, I was fine already and even participated in all the activities.... When Mummy came to fetch me home in the afternoon, I told her what I ate in school that day and even sang some songs here & there....
Mummy was getting real tired of me making a fuss just before going to school everyday... I will say:"Wait Ryan cry at school....I don't like school, don't like teacher, don't like friends, don't want play at playground etc..." In the end, guess what? I did play at the playground during playtime, and enjoyed myself during the lessons....

3rd week in school
5 Apr - 9 Apr
Same old routine.... each day before Mummy sent me to school, I will keep saying:"Wait Ryan cry....Don't want go...don't like etc..."
When Mummy dropped me off, I will cry without fail....but will stop soon after...
Ms Chin told Mummy my crying is getting shorter & shorter and I enjoyed myself in class....
Mrs Wong (the Principal) told her she must see this as a victory.... haha..

Oh, Mummy realised that when she picked me up from school, all the other kids (those in K1 or K2 class) also seemed to know my name, cos they will say:"Bye Bye Ryan" to me....
She told Daddy I must be famous already cos I am the only one who cried loudly every day at assembly..... *oops*

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