Saturday, March 16, 2013

Breitling Airshow in Sentosa

Sat, 9 Mar 13

We went to Sentosa Siloso beach to catch the Breitling airshow.........
You can view this link for the manoeuvres they execute and their formations:

So sunny right, but half of the sky was in fact dark........It was really cloudy and the clouds were very low.....ominous sign that it will rain soon.....
We prayed hard that the sky will hold till the show is over.....

Our prayers were heard....
Thank you, Lord Jesus....
I was so thrilled when the planes finally zoomed past.......As the clouds were very low, there were some manoeuvres they can't execute..... but nonetheless, it was a fantastic show!! I love it :)

Afternote: It started raining cats and dogs when we were having our late lunch in Vivocity.....

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