Sunday, May 9, 2010

Red Eye

Fri, 7 May 10

I had "red eye" (medical term "conjunctivitis")

Conjunctivitis (Red Eye) is an inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane (conjunctiva) that lines the eyeball that causes the eye to be swollen and makes small blood vessels in the eye become more prominent resulting in "red eye".

It is a common eye infection which is contagious and may present as a seasonal epidemic. Simple measures such as regular hand washing, avoiding crowded areas and appropriate eye medication can help prevent the spread of conjunctivitis.

Mummy observed that one of my eye had some yellowish discharge on Tue...... On Wed, this eye seems to be fine already, though the other eye had the yellowish discharge.......

On Thur after the school trip, Mummy realised both my eyes were abit reddish.... She didn't think anything about it as I was rubbing my eyes......

This morning, they seem to be fine.... but when Mummy went to pick me up from school, she saw that my eyes were red around the outer she decided to bring me to the doctor....

The doctor diagnosed it as "conjunctivitis" and I was not supposed to go to school as it might spread to other kids....
He prescribed eye drops and eye gel for me to apply........

Oh no, Mummy is so so sorry, cos she doesn't know that I had it.... We hope no one else had contracted it....

Wish me speedy recovery so I can go to school on Mon!

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