Friday, June 13, 2008

Learning new words....

I love to talk....or shall I say, babble....cos most of the time nobody can understand what I am talking about...hahaha... ;p

My first few distinguishable words: Mum Mum (eating), Ma Ma (Mummy), Da Da & Pa Pa (Daddy)....
Recently (sometime in May), I can call "Gong Gong" & "Po Po" also... hehe.. though my "Gong Gong" sounds like "Coco"...hahaha... I also call Mummy "Miya" and Daddy "Dad Dad"...

Here are my new vocabulary (as far as Mummy can remember):
- star
- storey six (we stayed on storey six, so each time we went inside the lift, I would repeat after the voice... even when we were going down to storey one, i also said storey six...haha.. oh, but I can't pronounce perfectly... I always "ate" the "t" so it becomes "sorey six" instead..)
- bear
- pear
- car
- ball (initially, I said as "Paul", but now I can pronounce it perfectly already..)
- bus
- duck
- dog
- bird
- stop (I would show the "stop" sign using my hand also while saying...)
- go
- wer (for flower, I "ate" the "flo" part...hahaha..)
- moo (for cow, when I see my stuff toy favourite bedtime buddy for now...)

Chinese words:
- Xie Xie (meaning thank you, when I fed Mummy my Gerber star puffs, she would say "xie xie" to me, and each time I would repeat after her..)
- Shao Shao (meaning hot, when Mummy fed me my porridge, she would say "shao" and blow for me..)
- Mei Mei (meaning pretty, when I see my windmill spins, I would say "mei mei"...sometimes I would clap also..)
- Hua (meaning flower)

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